Chin Implant Surgery: Tips for Before and After Your Procedure

Are you considering a chin implant to add definition and projection to a weak or receding chin? Dr. Jonathan R. Grant is the facial plastic surgeon Seattle patients trust for beautiful results. Here, Dr. Grant shares his best tips to prepare for and recover from chin surgery.

Choose your surgeon wisely. The success of your chin augmentation surgery depends on the skill and expertise of the surgeon performing it. It’s wise to meet with a few different surgeons to get a feel for their background and how they would approach your surgery. Don’t forget to peruse each surgeon’s before-and-after patient photo gallery for examples of their work.

Select the most suitable approach. A chin implant is not the only way to enhance the chin. Other options might be more suitable to achieve the look you desire. Speaking to an experienced facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon like Dr. Grant is the best way to decide the right surgical approach for your needs and goals.

Prepare for recovery. Once the treatment plan and surgery date have been set, it’s time to prepare for your recovery. Prepping your space ahead of time is critical to enjoying a smooth and stress-free recovery. Make sure you have all the supplies you will need, including:

  • prescriptions filled
  • plenty of pillows to prop yourself up on
  • freezable gel packs
  • gauze
  • easy-to-prepare meals and snacks
  • entertainment options
  • your doctor’s phone number

Anticipate swelling and possibly bruising. Applying cold compresses can help. You will also be given Arnica montana supplements to speed up the recovery of the bruising.

Be patient as your body heals. Don’t rush back to the office or the gym while your face is healing. Expect to take five to seven days off from work and at least two weeks off from your physical activity routine. Pushing your body too soon could affect the final results or lead to a complication.

Learn More about Chin Implant Surgery

For more information about preparing for or recovering from chin implant surgery, please contact Cascade Facial Surgery & Aesthetics. You can call (360) 336-1947 or email us today.