Mini Facelift Mt. Vernon, WA

Mini Facelift in Mt Vernon Do you have early signs of aging on your face that you would like to reverse but worry that it may be too soon to have facelift? You may be a great candidate for mini facelift, a less invasive alternative to traditional facelift. Renowned facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Jonathan Grant can make small adjustments to the underlying tissue to restore definition to your jawline and take several years off your appearance.

Benefits of Mini Facelift

Mini facelift manipulates the tissue and muscle at the bottom of the face to create a lifting effect. It is successful at reducing mild to moderate skin sagging (jowls) and smoothing out mild lines and wrinkles. Many patients also enjoy the shorter recovery period, lower price, and natural-looking results.

What Distinguishes Mini Facelift from Full Facelift

The term “mini” refers to minimal incision. With this approach, Dr. Grant usually uses just two small incisions to rejuvenate the lower face, leaving even tinier and less visible scars. Most traditional facelift surgeries tackle aging on the lower face and neck simultaneously, whereas mini lift only addresses aging on the lower face.

Candidates for Mini Facelift

The best candidates for mini facelift have developed early signs of aging on their face, especially jowls. You should be in good health overall, a non-smoker, and set reasonable expectations about what a less invasive surgery can achieve.

Patients who have developed more advanced signs of aging like deeper set lines or aging on the neck may be better candidates for full facelift. Ignoring signs of aging on the neck while rejuvenating the lower face can produce unnatural-looking results. All your rejuvenation options will be discussed during a consultation with Dr. Grant.

Mini Facelift Procedure

Due to the less invasive nature, Dr. Grant can usually perform mini facelift with local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia. This is an outpatient procedure, meaning that you return home to recover on the same day as your surgery.

Dr. Grant places incisions behind the ears and carefully lifts tissues and skin upwards to create a tauter appearance with minimized jowls. His advanced techniques allow him to achieve youthful looking facial contours without having to remove much skin and tissue, which helps patients to maintain a natural-looking appearance.

Mini Facelift Recovery and Results

Mini Facelift procedure in Mt Vernon The recovery for mini facelift is significantly shorter than for other facial plastic surgery patients. Prescribed pain medication is sufficient to relieve lingering discomfort. Most patients feel well enough to return to work within a week or two. Dr. Grant will schedule follow-up appointments to ensure you are healing well.

The results for mini facelift last several years, but it cannot stop the aging process altogether. Eventually, a decline in collagen and elastin production will cause skin laxity (along with wrinkles and jowls) to reappear. Later, you may decide to have a full facelift to address more significant signs of aging.

Schedule a Consultation

To discover why Dr. Grant is such a popular choice for facial rejuvenation patients in Mt. Vernon and Seattle, Washington, please schedule a consultation. Call (360) 336-1947 to determine if mini facelift is the optimal way to restore definition to your jawline.