Get Rid of Your Double Chin for Good with Neck Liposuction

Neck Liposuction Mt. VernonSubtle improvements to your chin can have a dramatic impact on your face and overall self-esteem. This is especially true if you have a double chin. Dr. Jonathan R. Grant is a dual board-certified and fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon. He has extensive experience helping patients achieve their goal of getting rid of their double chin. Here, he discusses how to get rid of your double chin for good with neck liposuction.

What Is a Double Chin?

A double chin is just as its name suggests: the appearance of having two chins. This is often due to fat below the chin.

Unlike fat in the other areas of the body, patients are often frustrated by their double chin because of its stubbornness. Many patients contact a plastic surgeon with complaints that the double chin does not respond to diet or exercise.

A double chin can have a significant impact on a person’s appearance. The excess fat may make a person look older or heavier.

What Is Neck Liposuction?

If you have a double chin, you may be wondering if you have any options to improve its appearance or get rid of it altogether. If you are concerned about your double chin, you should speak with an experienced plastic surgeon. An experienced plastic surgeon will advise you regarding your options, including neck liposuction.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove targeted areas of stubborn fat. As mentioned, a double chin is often an area of fat that does not respond to diet or exercise (thus it is stubborn). Neck liposuction can be used to target the fat below the chin and even along the jawline if necessary. Neck liposuction can also be combined with neck lift to both remove excess fat and tighten loose skin.

Can You Get Rid of Your Double Chin for Good With Neck Liposuction?

During the liposuction procedure fat cells are permanently removed. This means that the fat that is removed will never come back. For most people this means that neck liposuction can get rid of their double chin for good.

However, you should be aware that it is possible for your double chin to return if you gain a significant amount of weight, as the remaining fat cells can enlarge.

Contact Cascade Facial Surgery & Aesthetics

If you are interested in learning more about neck liposuction for your double chin, contact Cascade Facial Surgery & Aesthetics to schedule a consultation. Call us today at (360) 336-1947. We are here to help!